About the YES project

Policy Context & Project Objectives

The free movement of workers is a fundamental principle of the European internal market and the internal EU mobility has been steadily increasing in the past years (EC’s Report on enforcement of EU posting rules, 2019). In terms of economic activities, the construction sector tends to concentrate a big percentage of the total posted workers within the EU.

Within this context the YES project has identified and is addressing the following specific objectives.

  • Cooperation

    to promote transnational cooperation between stakeholders dealing with posting.

  • Information

    to increase accessibility, transparency, and quality of information available to posted workers and their employers, especially on applicable rules and available services

  • Evidence

    to promote evidence basis on skills as a driver for posting as well as on related barriers and opportunities.


The project action is relevant to all European stakeholders dealing with posting of workers, as trade unions, employers’ organizations and paritarian institutions, but also those bodies active at local level capable of delivering information directly to posted workers or their employers, as well as of supplying them key services, such as: local authorities and NGOs, local structures of social partners, training centers, etc.

Specific target groups

The specific target groups of the project are posted workers and posting companies, social partners, paritarian institutions and vocational training centers.

The indirect beneficiaries of the YES project action will be posted workers and employers in countries which are also not directly involved in the project. The promotion of information sharing as part of the project’s results and the delivery of a EU Toolkit including policy recommendations as main output of the action will contribute to the well-functioning of the single market, supporting the freedom of movement and safeguarding workers’ rights all around Europe.

Geographical Scope

The action targets: Italy, Germany, Spain (plus a focus on Autonomous Community of Asturias), Portugal, Poland, and Albania.

Beyond guaranteeing a geographical balance between Western and Eastern Europe, the selection of countries includes a balanced representation of both net sending and net host countries, and includes cross-border regions, where relevant flows are observed, and cooperation is therefore essential to ensure freedom of movement while guaranteeing fair working conditions.